Where Financial Security Meets Flexibility.

Get guaranteed returns and revolutionize your savings journey with unmatched customization!

RNL Nishchit Samrudhi Plus Image

Reliance Nippon Life Nishchit Samrudhi Plus

A Non-Linked Non-Participating Individual Savings Life Insurance Plan

Taaki aapki koi khwahish adhuri na reh jaye


Life insurance cover during the entire policy term for Financial Security

Flexibility to pay for a limited period of 5/8/10/12 years

Long term guarantee of returns for as long as 44 years

Increasing benefits to balance the growing needs in life

Growing your income choosing Flexi wallet feature and withdraw as per need

Enhanced protection through choice of riders

Tax benefits* as per prevailing tax laws



Premium Payment Term - PPT (in years) 5 8 10 12
Deferment Period - DP (in years) 0 / 1 / 2
Income Period - IP (in years) 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 15 / 20 / 25 / 30
Policy Term - PT (in years) PPT + DP + IP
Minimum Age at Entry (in years) 0 years (subject to minimum maturity age of 18 years)
Maximum Age at Entry (in years) 55 60 60 55
Minimum Age at Maturity (in years) 18 18 20 27
Maximum Age at Maturity (in years) 92 100 100 99
Minimum Annualized Premium (in ₹) 1,00,000
Maximum Annualized Premium (in ₹) No limit, subject to Board Approved Underwriting Policy
Coverage for

All Individuals (Male | Female | Transgender)

Transgenders shall be covered as per the Board Approved Underwriting Policy of the Company.

All the references to age are based on age last birthday


Extensive Network image

Extensive network of offices

Settlement ratio image

Claim Settlement Ratio

Sum Assured image
₹91,720 Cr

Total Sum Assured

Extensive Network image
227% Solvency ratio

Against a regulatory requirement of 150%

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The Reliance Nippon Life Nishchit Samrudhi Plus is a Non-Linked Non-Participating Individual Saving Life Insurance Plan that offers unmatched flexibility and financial security. With RNL Nishchit Samrudhi Plus, you have the unique advantage of accumulating your income benefits in a convenient Flexi-Wallet, allowing you to customize your savings strategy according to your specific needs. You have full freedom to withdraw money from the Flexi-Wallet whenever you require, ensuring complete control over your finances.

In case of an unfortunate death of the Life Assured provided the Policy is In-force i.e., all due premiums have been paid as on the date of death, the Claimant(s) shall receive higher of:

  • Sum Assured on Death; or
  • Death Benefit Factor multiplied by Total Premiums Paid as on the date of death of the Life Assured
Apart from the above, the Claimant(s) also shall receive outstanding balance, if any, in the Flexi Wallet.
Where, the Sum Assured on Death is defined as an amount equal to 11 times the Annualized Premium.

Death Benefit Factor:
Premium Payment Term Death Benefit Factor
5 years 105%
8 years 150%
10 years 167%
12 years 180%

Death Benefit for Minor Life:
If age at entry of the Life Assured is greater than or equal to 8 years, the risk will commence immediately from the Date of Commencement of Policy. If Age at entry of the Life Assured is less than 8 years, the risk under the Policy will commence either from the last day of the second Policy Year or from the Policy Anniversary date falling immediately after attainment of 8 years of age, whichever is earlier. If the Age at entry of the Life Assured is less than 8 years and the death happens before the Date of Commencement of Risk, the Death Benefit shall be restricted to the Total Premiums Paid. The Policy will terminate on payment of the Death Benefit to the Claimant(s).

The Guaranteed Annual Income (GAI) shall be payable on survival of the Life Assured at the end of every policy year during the Income Period, provided the Policy is In-force i.e., all due premiums have been paid. The GAI at the start of Income Period shall be equal to GAI rate multiplied by Annualized Premium and the GAI shall increase every year at a simple rate of 5% per annum.
Please refer to Sales Brochure for sample GAI Rates.

Deferment Period (DP) is the period commencing from the end of Premium Payment Term (PPT) till the start of Income Period (IP). Under Nishchit Samrudhi Plus Plan policyholder has an option to choose Deferment Period of 0/1/2 years.

Income Period is the period during which Survival Benefit is payable. It will commence from the end of Premium Payment Term plus Deferment Period till end of the Policy Term. Under Nishchit Samrudhi Plus Plan policyholder has an option to choose Income Period of 10/15/20/25/30 years depending upon the Premium Payment Term chosen.

On survival of the Life Assured till the end of the Policy Term, provided the Policy is In-force i.e., all due premiums have been paid, Sum Assured on Maturity plus outstanding balance, if any, in Flexi Wallet shall be payable.
Where the Sum Assured on Maturity is defined as an amount equal to Annualized Premium multiplied by Premium Payment Term.
You have an option to receive the Maturity Benefit as a lump sum at the end of the Policy Term or opt for Settlement Option.

Flexi Wallet is a customized feature available only in our exclusive plans where you have an option to accumulate the Guaranteed Annual Income (GAI) in Flexi-wallet instead of availing the same as a periodic payment during the Income Period.
The amount in the Flexi Wallet will earn interest at prevailing interest rate and the same will be credited at the end of each month. The prevailing interest rate shall be lower of State Bank of India savings bank interest rate + 2.00% p.a. or 2 times State Bank of India savings bank interest rate.

Opt-in / Opt-out:
You can opt-in for this Flexi Wallet feature either at policy inception or through an explicit request submitted to the Company anytime during the Policy Term, whereby the Guaranteed Annual Income payouts will be transferred directly to his/her Flexi Wallet. This option can be opted-in and opted-out at any time during the Policy Term.

Withdrawal from Flexi Wallet:
At any time, you have an option to withdraw, completely or partially, the balance in the Flexi Wallet. The minimum withdrawal amount in case of partial withdrawal is Rs. 10,000. In case the balance in the Flexi Wallet is not withdrawn completely, such outstanding balance will be paid to the Claimant in the event of death, surrender or maturity, whichever is earlier along with other benefit payments. If you opt for Settlement Option at maturity, you will have an option to leave the outstanding amount in the Flexi Wallet during Settlement Period.

At maturity of the Policy, you have an option to receive the Maturity Benefit as a lump sum or to opt for Settlement Option under which you can leave the Maturity Benefit in the Flexi Wallet along with the outstanding amount in the Flexi Wallet, if any, for a period equal to Settlement Period. You can opt for a Settlement Period from one to five years only, starting from the date of maturity.
There shall be no life insurance coverage during the Settlement Period. In case of the death of the Life Assured during the Settlement Period, the outstanding amount in the Flexi Wallet shall be payable to the Claimant.

Withdrawal during Settlement Period:
During the Settlement Period, you have an option to withdraw, completely or partially, the balance in the Flexi Wallet. The minimum withdrawal amount in case of partial withdrawal is Rs. 10,000. In case the balance in the Flexi Wallet is not withdrawn completely, such outstanding balance will be paid to the Claimant at the end of the Settlement Period or in the event of death, whichever is earlier.

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